The data then gets sent to the instrument, whether it’s a software sampler or synth, or an external piece of hardware that is capable of receiving MIDI data. Our purpose is to provide others with free MIDI Files of wonderful Catholic Christian music to be used to spread God’s love to everyone, and to bring new musicians into the music ministry. The very first and the only working MIDI player for Windows Phone platform is here! Application features perfect software MIDI synthesis (the same or even better than your desktop PC, using Gravis Ultrasound compatible patches), cool themed spectrum analyzer visualization, huge MIDI database access, playlists support and many more MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a protocol designed for recording and playing back music on digital synthesizers that is supported by many makes of personal computer sound cards. After all, the entire music-making ecosystem, as it stands, is made up only of those older controllers and instruments. In this article, we’ll share an awesome amount of places to find MIDI files for free. 00s C2 E2 G#2 C3 E3 G#3 C4 Instrument 2: Cello 0.